Warren’s career so far has encompassed detailed development of plant physiological based screening methods for water-use efficiency in cotton. He has a PhD from The University of Sydney in 2011, having graduated BScAgr from the same University in 2007.

Warren possess great enthusiasm for research and willingly volunteers for many roles. In particular he has been heavily involved with AACS Conferences as well as being the AACS representative in the Cotton Australia/Cotton Shippers conference planning committee. His dedication is also evidenced by his self development in undertaking extra university studies on plant breeding.


In his PhD up to 2011, Warren was at the cutting edge of using sensors to measure crop canopy temperature as an indicator for scheduling irrigation of cotton. This thesis was successful and he has become an expert in the area of measuring canopy temperature – in his present role with CSIRO, these measurements are being applied to breeding populations to ensure better stress tolerance is identified and retained.


Warren excels in collaboration. His PhD was collaboration between two CRCs and two countries. In his present role he collaborates across a number of projects.


His high level understanding of interpretation of sensed data on crop canopy temperature allows identification of rational methods for assessing early generation breeding material for stress tolerance and water use efficiency. These aims are critical for Australian cotton breeding to develop the best climate change ready cotton varieties.