ICAC’s 78th Plenary Meeting, Brisbane

You are invited to attend the 78th International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) Plenary meeting taking place in Brisbane in December. Join ICAC Members from up to 30 countries in Brisbane, Australia, to meet with Australian cotton growers, ginners, shippers, marketers, analysts, policy makers, textile manufacturers, agricultural suppliers, and investment bankers. The conference (2-5 December) will […]

International Conference on the Regulation of Agvet Chemicals and Technologies

UNE , Australia

The conference explores current and emerging challenges and opportunities associated with the regulation of Agvet Chemicals and Technologies under the following themes: Emerging Agvet Science and Technology, and Regulation of Innovation Risks Safe and effective access to chemicals and biologicals Post-market stewardship and surveillance Education, training, communication and perception An International Regulatory Science Forum will […]

Australian Cotton Conference 2022

The Australian Cotton Conference is held at the Gold Coast Convention Centre every second year. It brings together new and experienced farmers, agronomists and researchers, brands and marketers, students, supply chain partners, industry groups and cotton groupies to look at the challenges and opportunities facing cotton, share and learn from one another and listen to […]

Australian Cotton Conference 2024

Date claimer. More details will be available closer to the event. https://australiancottonconference.com.au/