Bruce worked as a crop consultant in central Queensland and was involved with Queensland Cotton Board before relocating to Narrabri and taking up a role as a research portfolio manager and then general manager at CRDC. Bruce has been widely acknowledged for the impact he had on bringing research to growers over his long career. Bruce was appointed as CRDC’s technology transfer coordinator in 1992, heralding the cotton industry’s extension program. His passion for research and innovation, coupled with his knowledge of entomology (including IPM focussed masters), made him the perfect fit. During the 1992–93 season, in conjunction with its partners, Bruce facilitated, CRDC supporting the creation of cotton-specific regional extension roles and invested in placement of officers in the Darling Downs, Macquarie Valley and Emerald. Over the next two decades, these extension roles continued in different forms, and today form part of the CottonInfo extension team. Bruce was instrumental in his contributions to industry process that enabled the industry to succeed through crisis and to this day continue to support industry stewardship such as the Transgenic Insecticides Management committee (TIMS) and Best Management Practices and he was one of the co-editors for the first edition of SPRAYpak.