Dr Robert Mensah played a significant role in implementing Integrated Pest Management within the Australian Cotton industry. Commencing with the NSW DPI in 1992, Robert’s research focused on practical measures to reduce pesticide reliance and encourage biological control in cotton. In collaboration with a number of agricultural companies, he developed and commercialized a number of new biological pesticide products for pest control within IPM programs. These products included
- The beneficial insect attractant spray product (Envirofeast®) with Rhone-Poulenc (1995)
- Petroleum Spray Oil product (Canopy® oil) with Caltex (2004)
- The botanical based insecticide (called Sero X®) with Innovate Agriculture for sucking pests on cotton, macadamias and other agricultural crops.
Robert was recognised for his achievements with the Australian Cotton Industry Researcher of the Year in 1997 and was nominated again in 2017.
Robert retired in 2019 as Senior Principal Research Scientist & Director at ACRI